The Talento circuit aims to bring millions of users to cryptographic currencies by allowing users to buy cryptocurrencies anywhere at any time. This will make Talento the largest online and decentralized sales of cryptocurrencies. It is decentralized because ecosystem and transaction records live on the Blockchain. It is in line because our entry point to the Blockchains is through Point-of-Sale (POS) devices installed in physical stores.
Get StartedFacilecrypto is the simplest way to exchange money at very low cost.
smartphone app used to do the following things: buy and sell Talentocoin, BTC, ETH, LTC and other cryptocurrencies using cash or card top up fiat money in a digital wallet pay utilities and services, for example electricity, telephone top-ups, etc. using cryptocurrencies.
Read moreChoose the wallet you prefer, Web, Windows PC, MAC and Mobile. All functional, safe and easy to use.
DownloadThe Talent platform connects to several online cryptocurrency exchanges. Since every online cryptocurrency exchange has a different spread and different price levels, users and merchants can decide which platform best fits their specific needs.
Our platform allows you to safely mine our coins and other market assets without investing in hardware and advantageous conditions
With our coins you can make secure purchases on numerous online stores and hundreds of local stores in many cities
Our ICO Talent (TLX) is a token based on a completely new blockchain technology, allows us to support our many projects and guarantees excellent performance.
Read White paperStart learning about Facilecrypto with interactive tutorials. It’s fun, easy, and takes only a few minutes!
Enter your email address, click on button get started and reply to the email you receive by completing your profile
Buy a mining package of any amount and access all the services that the facilecrypto platform offers you
Whether you use our platform to trade or use our network to shop, you will still have many advantages
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